Aldea Yanapay
/Cusco / Perú, es una comunidad auto
sostenible que tiene por misión brindarle a niños, adolescente ,
familias y a la sociedad alternativas de educación y desarrollo
consciente . Las mismas que están basadas en la tolerancia, el amor
responsable, la espiritualidad y el respeto al planeta.
Yanapay como
proyecto social trabaja con voluntarios de todo el mundo, los
mismos que entregan desinteresadamente su amor y cariño en nuestras
escuelas para niños y adolescentes en Cusco (ciudad) y en el
Valle sagrado (campo), en nuestro centro cultural y en áreas como marketing, economía, psicología,
Aldea Yanapay mantiene sus costos fijos mediante "economía solidaria", un
bello concepto por el cual tenemos un Restaurant y los hostales en Cusco y Valle sagrado. Los mismos
que proveen trabajo a muchas familias del proyecto y de Cusco.
Aldea Yanapay con la intención de enseñar nuestra
pedagogía y filosofía de vida ofrece nuestra "Escuela de soñadores "
un mágico lugar donde cualquier persona puede aprender nuestra pedagogía y como
realizar proyectos sociales sostenibles. En otras palabras "como cumplir
tus sueños”.
esperamos con mucho amor en nuestros distintos locales. Y desde ya "
gracias por ayudarnos a ayudar”
Como en la maravillosa historia de Peter Pan. Nuestra
escuela es un lugar para recordarles a todos la magia de ser niño. Mediante una
educación basada en el amor profundo por la libertad de crear, proponer y auto
cuidarse. En nuestros espacios motivamos a nuestros estudiantes a desarrollar
sus dotes artísticos, su instinto de autoprotección y autoeducación, a sentirse
parte de una familia universal conformada por plantas, animales y todo lo que
la pachamama (madre tierra) nos regala cada día con amor y solidaridad
Trabajamos de marzo a diciembre en las mañanas
(8:30am-12pm) o en las tardes (2:50pm-7pm) Y nuestro ciclo vacacional los meses
de enero y febrero solo en las mañanas de 8:50am-1pm . Arte y expresión /interculturalidad /computación consciente
/juegos / Música /Quechua/Círculos de amor /Ceremonias místicas son algunas de
nuestras clases. El sueño de Papa Yuri
es hacer una escuela oficial en los próximos años.
lugar lleno de amor y naturaleza. Un lugar donde la Pachamama(madre tierra) /
Taita inti(padre sol) /Yacu mama(madre agua) y todos los dioses y diosas se
reúnen para sonreír y amar . Lamay es una pintoresca ciudad que queda a solo 50
minutos de la ciudad del Cusco. Nuestra Eco Aldea está en una quebrada rodeada
de Apus (montañas) y acompañada de un maravilloso rio.
este lugar se desarrolla:
Escuelas Yanapay (inicio marzo 2015)
Centro Holístico Yanapay ( talleres y formaciones) / (inicio junio 2015)
Orfanato Yanapay (inicio 2017)
Voluntariado Yanapay (escuelas / orfanato/ cocina y nutrición /
agricultura y trasformación consciente /
construcción y diseño) ( Escuelas
marzo 2015 – consultar todo lo demás)
Hospedaje Yanapay (Casa de huéspedes / bungalós /camping/
programas conscientes /programas nutricionales)/(marzo 2015 abrimos la habitación familiar – abril 2015 casa de huéspedes
y camping)
Escuela de soñadores ( programas donde se enseña la pedagogía de la
comunidad) (inicio
agosto 2015)
El voluntariado en un acto de amor y no una
actividad turística. En Yanapay estamos en desacuerdo con el volunturismo que
lo único que hace es mercantilizar y comercializar la pobreza, la necesidad y
el sufrimiento de las personas y los pueblos. Y por consecuencia el deseo de
que no termine.
Para ser voluntario necesitas escribirnos y
comenzar el bello proceso de esta experiencia espiritual de motivar el instinto
que todos tenemos dentro de servir al mundo y al planeta
El voluntario Yanapay todo el tiempo está
acompañado pedagógica y emocionalmente y
su trabajo no es fácil. Ya que debe ser un soporte emocional para los niños,
además de crear shows artísticos y tomar responsabilidad en el proceso.
El voluntario puede elegir uno de los dos proyectos:
CIUDAD DE CUSCO o ECOALDEA VALLE SAGRADO. Esto según disponibilidad. El idioma
no es un obstáculo. El programa está diseñado para recibir un 20% de nuestro
equipo con español básico
Es un mágico lugar ubicado en el centro de Cusco .Con una capacidad de
60 personas ofrece un ambiente lúdico familiar ,lleno de juegos ,hadas ,
duendes ,libros ,meseros divertidos y nuestra carta de comida ofrece
sabores peruanos /italianos /marroquís /tailandeses/ indus /pizzas y más
fusiones exquisitas , acompañados de los mejores postres y bebidas de la ciudad
.Además disfruta de nuestras actividades conscientes como los bingo quizz /
buffets internacionales / reservas para grupos / festejo de cump
leaños y
celebraciones .
(pide nuestra proforma y precios)
Está dedicada a brindar hospedaje a todo ser
humano que desee un intercambio cultural. Con bellas áreas verdes, jardines,
arte, habitaciones confortables, baños cómodos, restaurant, bar, actividades
conscientes como yoga, sesión de tambores o
circulo de masajes, y área de juegos para niños.
Nuestro mágico lugar está en pleno centro de Cusco, a solo 10
minutos de la plaza de armas, el camino a la misma es el más bonito, pasas por
4 bellas iglesias y el famoso arco de san francisco. Además estamos a solo 2 minutos
del mercado más grande y antiguo de la ciudad (san pedro).
Llegar a nuestro lugar es sencillo .puedes llegar hasta nuestra
puerta a pie, en bus o en taxi. (Pide las tarifas)
Voluntariado Yanapay : /
- Café Restaurant Aldea Yanapay : /
084-255134 (face Book)
- Villa Mágica Wellness place
/ 084-245779
- EcoAldea
Yanapay / Escuela de soñadores (campo) :
PAGINA WEB: / celular
Papa Yuri Yanapay: 51 - 984513515 / face book: Aldea Yanapay
Cusco – Peru
General description of the community
Aldea Yanapay /Cusco / Perú Is a self sustained school and community
whose mission is to provide children, adolescents, families, and society with
an alternative form of education and conscious development. These
principles are based on tolerance, responsible love, spirituality, and respect
for the planet.
Aldea Yanapay is a social project that works with volunteers from around the world. These volunteers selflessly devote their love and kindness to these children and adolescents in the city of Cusco and the Sacred Valley. They also contribute to other aspects of this community such as marketing, economy, psychology, tutoring, etc.
Aldea Yanapay sustains it's expenses through an "economy of solidarity", a beautiful concept which is based on the capital raised from the Restaurant called Cafe Restaurant Aldea Yanapay, as well as the Villa Magica Wellness Place Hostel. All of the above mentioned projects provide dozens of jobs for the local families of Cusco.
Aldea Yanapay also hosts the "School of Dreamers" in which our guests can learn about our philosophies and teachings about life. This school is an enchanting place where our teachings are centered around actualizing the sustainable social projects. In other words "how to make your dreams come true".
We lovingly await your arrival in our distinct locations and would like to thank you in advance for "helping us help others".
Aldea Yanapay is a social project that works with volunteers from around the world. These volunteers selflessly devote their love and kindness to these children and adolescents in the city of Cusco and the Sacred Valley. They also contribute to other aspects of this community such as marketing, economy, psychology, tutoring, etc.
Aldea Yanapay sustains it's expenses through an "economy of solidarity", a beautiful concept which is based on the capital raised from the Restaurant called Cafe Restaurant Aldea Yanapay, as well as the Villa Magica Wellness Place Hostel. All of the above mentioned projects provide dozens of jobs for the local families of Cusco.
Aldea Yanapay also hosts the "School of Dreamers" in which our guests can learn about our philosophies and teachings about life. This school is an enchanting place where our teachings are centered around actualizing the sustainable social projects. In other words "how to make your dreams come true".
We lovingly await your arrival in our distinct locations and would like to thank you in advance for "helping us help others".
Like the amazing
story of Peter Pan, our school is a place to remind everyone the magic of being
a child. Our education is based upon the magic of liberally creating, proposing
and self-protecting. Within our community we motivate our students to develop
their artistic skills, their instinct of self-protection and self-education, to
feel part of a universal family formed by plants, animals and everything else
that the mother earth offers us in a daily basis with love and solidarity.
We have a morning
shifts (8:30am-12pm) or evening shifts (2:50pm-7pm). Art and expression /interculturality
/conscious IT classes/Games
/ Music /Quechua classes /Circles of Love /Mystical ceremonies, are just some
of the classes we offer. The dream of papa Yuri is to create an official school
in the next couple of years.
A place filled with
love into the heart of nature. A place where the mother earth, the father sun,
the water and all the gods and goddesses of nature are united to smile and love
us. Lamay is a picturesque town, which is located only 50 minutes away from the
city of Cusco. Our eco community in located in a ravine surrounded from
mountains and has a river on the side. The community consists of:
§ The Yanapay Schools (starting march
§ The Yanapay Holistic Center ( workshops and
training) / (starting June 2015)
The Yanapay Orphanage (2017)
§ The Volunteering program of Yanapay (the schools /
orphanage/Cooking and nutrition / agriculture and conscious transformation/
construction and design) ( Schools March 2015 – Request of information
for the rest)
§ Yanapay Lodging (Guest house /
bungalows /camping/ conscious programs / nutritional programs)/(march 2015 we
start with the family rooms – abril 2015 the guest house and camping)
§ School for dreamers ( programs where
the pedagogy of the Project is taught and ways to accomplish one´s dreams (August 2015)
Volunteering is an
act of love and not a turistic activity. In Yanapay we dissagree with the touristic
volunteering, which has as a main goal to commercialize poverty, need and the
suffering of people and communities. And finally has as consiquence the wish that this
suffering doesn´t end.
To become a
volunteer you need to contact us and start this beautiful process of a
spiritual experience by motivating the instinct we all have inside, serving the
world and planet.
Volunteering in Yanapay
means you devote your time in the pedagogy but also emotionally, which is not
easy. It needs to be an emotional support for the kids, but also creating
artistic shows and taking the responsibility of the process.
The volunteer can
choose one of the projects: CUSCO CITY or ECOALDEA SACRED VALLEY. According to
availability. The language is not a barrier. The program is designed to receive
a 20% of people with a basic level of spanish.
restaurant and café is a special and uplifting place located in the
center if Cusco that can host 60 guests. We foster a festive
environment filled with magical themes and fun and cheerful wait staff.
We offer fun, interactive activities such as bingo, and accommodate large
groups for birthdays and other celebrations.
The range of food items varies greatly; we offer traditional Peruvian food, Italian food, Moroccan food, Hindi food, Thai food, and fusions between all of the above. Our deserts and beverages are also sure to please your palate.
The range of food items varies greatly; we offer traditional Peruvian food, Italian food, Moroccan food, Hindi food, Thai food, and fusions between all of the above. Our deserts and beverages are also sure to please your palate.
(Ask for our
Magica is proud to host anyone who desires a cultural interchange. We
have beautiful, colorful gardens with unique art, comfortable and clean rooms,
a restaurant and bar, conscious activities such as yoga and meditation, music
sessions, massage circles, and play areas for children.
Our Magical Hostel is in the center if Cusco, less than 10 minutes away from the famous "Plaza de Armas". We are close to 4 beautiful churches, the famous Arc of San Francisco, and the largest and most antique market of the city, Mercado San Pedro. (Ask for our prices)
Our Magical Hostel is in the center if Cusco, less than 10 minutes away from the famous "Plaza de Armas". We are close to 4 beautiful churches, the famous Arc of San Francisco, and the largest and most antique market of the city, Mercado San Pedro. (Ask for our prices)
Voluntariado Yanapay : /
- Café Restaurant Aldea Yanapay : (face
- Villa Mágica Wellness place
(Hostal) : / (face
- EcoAldea
Yanapay / Escuela de soñadores( campo) :
PAGINA WEB: / celular
Papa Yuri Yanapay: 51 - 984513515 / face book: Aldea Yanapay
Cusco – Peru